英国帝国理工医学院Paul Langford教授来川农大猪病研究中心开展深度国际合作与学术交流


受动物医学院猪病研究中心及动物医学院教育部创新团队外籍专家学术论坛邀请,英国帝国理工医学院Paul Langford教授及Yanwen Li研究员于96-12日到访猪病研究中心开展深度国际合作与学术交流。

97日上午和98日上午,Paul Langford教授在成都校区7-1109我校师生分别作了题为“Pig lung pathogen diagnostics: From Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae serotyping to on-farm diagnostics for the porcine respiratory disease complex (PRDC)”“ Bacterial vaccines: an overview of old versus emerging vaccine discovery and platform technologies”的两场精彩学术报告,详细分享了其科研团队在呼吸道疾病研究领域的最新研究成果。本次报告由动物医学院猪病研究中心黄小波教授主持,动物医学院猪病研究中心全体教师、学生共50余人参加。围绕猪胸膜肺炎放线杆菌的血清型鉴定关键技术、猪呼吸道疾病综合征的诊断技术、细菌性疫苗的研发技术等进行了报告。报告会期间,师生们认真地享用了学术大餐,有效地拓展了在呼吸道细菌性疾病领域的学术视野,并通过和两位专家的积极互动提问与解惑,大大地激发了师生们的科研兴趣和热情。

期间,97日下午,Paul Langford教授Yanwen Li研究员黄小波教授和赵勤博士陪同下,赴成都史纪生物交流,参观了公司的疫苗生产车间和研发中心,并公司研发人员就动物疫苗和诊断试剂开发等热点问题进行了深入的交流。98日下午,Paul Langford教授及Yanwen Li研究员在成都校区6-201与猪病研究中心的细菌病研究方向的师生进行了深入讨论。研讨会上,博士生袁建林、杨振、陈嘉勇,硕士生邓谊、王榆菡、张益文、徐诗雨等就各自的研究进展及相关文献中的疑惑之处逐一进行全英文交流发言,报告主题丰富多样,内容新颖翔实。两位专家对猪病中心研究生同学们的风采及相关研究成果给予高度评价。




Paul Langford is a Professor of Paediatric Infectious Diseases, Section of Paediatrics, Imperial College London. He studied at the University of Wales Institute of Science and Technology (Cardiff, UK) followed by a PhD in pharmaceutical microbiology at the University of Aston (Birmingham, UK). He held postdoctoral positions at the Universities of Bristol and Oxford in the areas of bacterial surface chemistry and meningitis, respectively, before moving to Imperial College London. His current research interests are vaccines, diagnostics, and pathogenicity of respiratory pathogens, especially Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, on-farm diagnostics for bacteria and viruses of the porcine respiratory disease complex, the use of Reverse Vaccinology approaches to identify novel vaccine candidates for Neisseria meningitidis and Streptococcus pneumoniae, diagnostics for paediatric tuberculosis, and the use of Galleria mellonella (greater wax moth) as an alternative infection model for A. pleuropneumoniae and pathogenic mycobacteria. He has extensive experience in transferable skill teaching in the UK, Brazil, China, Germany, Hong Kong, and Singapore, and has been external examiner for undergraduate and postgraduate courses at UK institutions, e.g. St George’s Medical School, Leicester and Glasgow Universities. He has served on many grant funding committees including BBSRC Animal Sciences, Meningitis Now (as Chair), and the NC3Rs (Deputy-Chair). He has been awarded substantial research funds (>£10 m) over his career including from charities (Wellcome Trust, Meningitis Now and Meningitis Research Foundation) and UK Research Councils (BBSRC, Innovate, MRC, NC3Rs). He has strong industrial links with veterinary Pharma (e.g., Ceva and Zoetis) and human vaccine companies (GSK, Moderna), and diagnostic companies (ProtonDx).